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"¿Sabes qué le pasó a tu pavo Butterball antes de que lo mataran?", fue el mensaje que acompañó la publicación haciendo referencia a un clip de hace unos 20 años en el que se acusó a PETA denuncia a Butterball por abuso sexual a pavos en EE. UU.: video confirma maltrato de la empresa PETA ha vuelto a poner en el centro del debate el trato a los pavos en las granjas avícolas Butterball is facing calls for a boycott just days before Thanksgiving after sickening footage of poultry workers allegedly sexually abusing and torturing its turkeys resurfaced on social media. Butterball has withdrawn more than 14,000 pounds of ground turkey because of contamination with blue plastic. Simultaneously, PETA has brought to light severe abuse allegations at Butterball's An 18-year-old PETA video showing mistreatment of Butterball turkeys went viral on social media, leading to returns and calls for a boycott. PETA resurfaced a 2006 video from inside a Butterball slaughterhouse in Ozark, Arkansas, claiming abuse of turkeys (Pictures: PETA) Disturbing footage of Butterball workers allegedly sexually 2 min read. Footage that details how workers abused turkeys in perverse ways captured in an undercover PETA investigation of a Butterball slaughterhouse in Ozark, Arkansas, is going viral âand people are shocked that Butterball workers punched and stomped on live turkeys, slammed them against walls, and sexually abused a bird. Find out what the footage shows and how you can help turkeys. An undercover investigation by PETA claimed to expose animal abuse inside a Butterball turkey plant, alleging that workers sexually assaulted the animals before they were slaughtered. However, Butterball has since refuted PETA's efforts to initiate a boycott against the manufacturer's turkey, specifically by pointing out that the undercover investigation took place nearly A nearly 20-year-old video posted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) alleging turkey

abuse at the nation's foremost provider of Thanksgiving birds has caused an uproar.